Sunday, April 29, 2012

Debora Bailey- Hampton Cove Elementary

April 29, 2012


When 5th grade students began their water color paintings of previously recorded observational drawings of live poinsettias, I utilized a board full of outstanding work in progress for all 5 classes to view.

We had composed our paintings using space and content as Georgia O'Keeffe had in her flower paintings 

Day one Paintings
Choosing a particular work, deciding what made it successful, questioning positive attributes of the works at the beginning of each class was a tool I used to get my students anticipating and planning what they might accomplish during their painting time.

My favorite comment came at the beginning of a Day 2 painting class.  While looking at one particular picture, one young man quickly blurted out "Who did that and what size brush did they use?"  We looked at the area painted, and the values achieved and supposed perhaps a #12 as opposed to the #8.
He continued with "Well, what colors did she mix to get that color?"  Ahh, now they were thinking like an artist!   We supposed what might have been used, but I encouraged him to ask the student when next he saw her.

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